Enjoy the flavor of the fall season the Navajo way!
Much how pumpkin spice flavors are synonymous with the arrival of fall for many people across the United States, piñon nuts hold the same equivalency for the Navajo as the beginning of the fall season.
Across Indian country, you’ll see parked cars all along the side of the roads! Why? Because it's piñon season! It takes 3 years for piñon trees to produce seed cones, which open in the fall and release the nuts. These nuts fall to the ground.
Harvested by Navajo Indians, piñon nuts are an important source for the Navajo. In fact, piñons were especially important for the Anasazi and their ancestors!
Our piñon nuts are sourced from local Navajos who pick these precious and delicious nuts!
Our piñon nuts come from the Colorado or Rocky Mountain piñon tree (Pinus edulis). This is the state tree of New Mexico.
Packaged in 3 sizes so you can be sure to get what you need!
- 2 oz
- 4 oz
- 8 oz